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    At the park

    I had an experience at the park recently where I didn’t share. Yep, you heard me right. This felt so foreign to me as I am always reminding our 6 year old to take turns and share. I tell him that others need to use the equipment too and to step out of the way if someone needs to get by. Usually we talk about the “park rules” on our way there so they are fresh in his mind. As he ran off to play with a friend I wheeled Christopher over to the adapted swing. Or as I heard one mom call it “the lazy swing.” Ooookaaay. That right…

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    The thief of joy

    I vividly remember a conversation I had with a friend when our son started physical therapy. He was 5 months old and still very much an infant. He couldn’t reach his arms to grasp a toy and no matter what we did he couldn’t hold his head up. I recall telling her that at his age he wasn’t too far behind and if we closed the gap early it would all be okay. Comparing him to his peers he wasn’t that too far off. At this point in his life we had no primary diagnosis, only “developmentally delayed.” I would look at milestone charts and see where he should be.…

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    I’m going to admit something that isn’t particularly flattering. I’m controlling. Especially with our youngest son. I’m doing it all. Please don’t roll your eyes or stop reading and think I’m turning my nose up in an I’m-better-than-you sort of way. It is far from that. Every morning I wake up and immediately care for him after a night of interrupted sleep. I’ve been up multiple times from the beep of his feeding pump and occasional need to be rocked at 3am. I get out of bed, lift him from his crib, and head to the kitchen to get his medications ready. We laugh and giggle as I carry him…