• life lessons

    The hard

    Christopher and I were lounging in the pool over the weekend and I realized it was time for his Vimpat, one of his seizure medications. I asked my husband if he would go inside to grab me his syringe I had packed and a water flush. We floated over to the pool steps, I administered his medication and flush, and then we pushed off. Alexander was sitting on the edge of the pool and said “taking care of Christopher is hard.” Sometimes he says these things just as observations and no other reason. The older he gets the more and more he realizes what needs to be done to care…

  • life lessons


    It’s a virtue. Right? My entire life I have been a patient person, never getting upset in traffic or tapping my feet when the customer in front of me is telling the barista her life story after the order has been taken. OK, maybe I get a little impatient but definitely not enough to write about. I am able to put my “desires on hold for a time.” I can relax and not dwell on the situation that I have no control over. Being a mom of a child who is medically complex and severely developmentally delayed requires so much. It requires a lot more than learning medical terminology and…

  • life lessons


    Perspective: “the ability of someone to take into consideration and potentially understand the interpretations, outlooks, or actions of their self and of other people.” (psychologydictionary.org) One of the greatest lessons I have learned since Christopher was born is perspective. I sincerely try to write and share pieces of our life simply for a bit of insight. I want people to know what our life is like raising a child with significant needs. My ultimate hope is to share struggles and triumphs in a graceful way. I never want to come across as complaining or that I’m sharing for sympathy. Believe me, your sympathy is the last thing I want. My…